53rd Annual Benefit Auction
June 6-7, 2025
Click HERE to view 2024 live auction items or (coming soon) register and bid on online items after May 29!
Great food, Spikeball and Ultimate Frisbee and more Friday night!
The live auction is June 7 at Lewis County Fairgrounds featuring handmade quilts, in-home dinners, themed gift baskets, and other unique items. The weeklong online auction (May 29-June 5) will feature gift certificates for restaurants, local businesses, vacation packages, and other experiences. Follow the links above to view live auction items and bid on online items. Your purchases provide critically-needed support for Beaver Camp's summer program and other ministry projects.
We are accepting donations of handcrafted furniture, quilts, gift certificates for local businesses and experiences, and other unique items.
Looking for ideas of what to donate? Click HERE for ideas. Items can be mailed to Beaver Camp or picked up by staff.
If you would like to make a quilt donation click HERE (a paper form can be downloaded and printed HERE)
If you would like to make an item donation click HERE (a paper form can be downloaded and printed HERE)
If you are interested in volunteering at the Auction, click HERE!
The live auction will begin at 9:00 AM on Saturday, June 7. The online auction will begin at 9:00 AM on Thursday, May 29 and end at 7:00 PM on Thursday, June 5. Online auction items can be picked up June 6 or 7, or can be mailed to the winner.
Special thanks to last year’s auction underwriters! Boulevard Properties, Roggies Cabinets, Widrick Maple, Eastview Grain, Purcell Construction, Lowville Medical Associates, Croghan Electric, Norris Electric, Combs Heating, Croniser, Lawrence and Phillippe CPA, Matteson Property Management, Law Office of Adam Matteson, Hoyts Collision, Ian W. Gilbert Attorney at Law, Tyro Automotive and Iseneker Funeral Home.
Thursday, May 29
9:00 AM Online Auction begins
Thursday, June 5
7:00 PM Online Auction ends (pick up at the fairgrounds June 6 or 7)
Friday, June 6
5:00-9:00 Dinner in the Pavilion
7:00-9:00 Youth and Young Adult Spikeball Tournament and Ultimate Frisbee!
Saturday, June 7
6:00-9:00 AM All you can eat pancake and sausage breakfast
9:00 Live auction begins
11:30 Lunch begins
Send a Kid to Camp with a Campership Pie!
Buying a Campership Pie for $470 is the most delicious way to help send a child to Camp. A camper gets a week at the best place in the Adirondacks, and you get a pie of your choice delivered by the date you request.
Fill out this order form and either mail to Beaver Camp (8884 Buck Point Road) or bring to the auction on June 6-7 and leave at the cashier's booth. We will also have forms at the auction. You may choose to use $430 as a tax deductible gift (subtract $40 for the pie value). Helping out has never been more sweet!
All proceeds benefit Beaver Camp by providing important support for our children’s camp program, offsetting the true cost of summer camp. In 2024, the actual cost per resident camper was just over $650, yet the average fee charged was around $470. This annual fundraiser is what helps cover the difference.
For more information, call the Beaver Camp office at (315) 376-2640 or email Mike Judd at mike@beavercamp.org.
Auction Donation Ideas
Heritage Items quilts or blankets, handcrafted furniture, unique wooden toys, antiques
Themed Gift Baskets family game night, cooking supplies, garden tools, gift cards to favorite restaurants, spa day
Experiences in-home dinners, B&B certificates, movie theater tickets, amusement park passes, music lessons, tutoring, golf passes, boating excursions, family portraits, cooking classes, personal fitness sessions, landscaping services, themed birthday party, vacation packages, art classes
Gift Cards restaurants, salon/spa certificates, oil change/mechanic services, local businesses and services