Very few relationships are as rewarding or meaningful as the one between a grandparent and grandchild. Building these bonds of friendship is what this retreat is all about. Expect time to relax and have fun together, time to pass on spiritual values and time to build great memories. The camp begins at 1:00 PM on Wednesday and ends at 1:00 PM on Friday afternoon. Activity options include hiking, fishing, swimming, challenge course, group games and more. No matter what activities you choose, there are no extra fees. Evening campfire programs will provide opportunities to learn from the Bible. Experience has shown that the weekend goal of grandparent/grandchild bonding is best achieved when only one grandchild attends and has the grandparent’s full attention. This is a suggestion, not a rule. Recommended for grandchildren 5-15 years old.
The base rate of $325 includes all meals and lodging for one grandparent and one grandchild. Additonal adults (9 yrs and older) are $82 and additional children (5-8 yrs old) are $41.
Refer questions & inquiries to or call us at 315-376-2640.